Enrollment Information

2023-2024 Student Supply List.pdf

Hume School District Mckinney Vento Information

         Our district is dedicated to making sure all students have equal education opportunities. Hume school ensures that homeless youth are immediately enrolled in the school of choice, and assisted with basic school requirements. If you have questions regarding the districts Mckinney Vento policies, please contact the Hume School District homeless liaison, Kirt Hart, at 660-643-7411 or email khart@humer8.k12.mo.us. All Hume R-8 staff was trained in the Title IX Compliance Overview module provided by Safe Schools. Staff must have a passing score of 85% to be certified.


Our district ensures identified homeless youth have barriers removed that prevent homeless youth from receiving appropriate credit for full or partial coursework satisfactorily completed while attending a prior school. Hume school ensures to inform unaccompanied youth of their status as independent students and assists them with applying to college, completing FAFSA and verifying their status as independent students.

Foster Care Point of Contact:

Our district is dedicated to making sure all students have equal education opportunities. If you have questions regarding the districts Foster care policies, please contact the Hume School District Foster liaison, Becky Bryant, at 660-643-7411 or email bbryant@humer8.k12.mo.us.

Hume School District MOCAP Requirements


In order to take dual credit/enrollment courses a student must abide by the following criteria:

    • Have a minimum of 90% attendance

    • Maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA

    • Score the state minimum on their ACT in that given field to enroll in dual credit courses

Launch is Hume School District's online course provider. If a student wishes to take courses through Launch the student must meet all criteria and abide by the following rules:

    • Maintain 90% attendance

    • If the course is offered by Hume School District the student must enroll in the regular education classroom

    • If a student fails an online course they will no longer be eligible to take online courses.

Launch offers students the option to take Advanced Placement courses. Students must meet the following requirements;

    • Maintain a cumulative 3.5 GPA

    • Pass the regular education course as a precursor

    • Achieve a score of Advanced on the EOC

Section 161.670, RSMo, outlines the requirements for MOCAP, including that schools must inform parents about the program (Section 161.670.4, RSMo). Below is the link for more information regarding district requirements: